Read The Diamond Grading Report Before Buying An Engagement Ring

Not all sellers provide diamond grading lab reports (aka diamond quality reports) to their consumers. So my general advice to you is to keep your money in your pocket when dealing with such jewelers.Only purchase a diamond engagement ring if it comes with the original diamond quality report.

A lab report is an independent evaluation of the 4Cs of a loose diamond and includes a plotted diagram of the gia 鑽石 stone’s clarity characteristics and a graphic representation of the stone’s proportions. Having such a report allows you to compare diamonds of different qualities and ultimately helps you make a more informed buying decision.A retailer may cut corners and not provide a lab report or an unscrupulous seller may provide a fake one because of the time, trouble and expense he’ll bear to getting a stone graded.

Yeah – there is a price for grading a diamond (though that cost is eventually paid by the consumer), plus the shipping and insurance charges for sending the diamond to the lab. And let us not forget the opportunity cost of a jeweler not having the diamond in his store for sale for a few weeks while the grading takes place.However, a diamond grading report may also not be available because the costs to getting one may impact too heavily on the final price of the ring.

For example, a 0.3ct diamond ring costing $250 say, may cost around $75 to be graded and have the report number inscribed on the girdle on the diamond.As you search for that ideal diamond engagement ring for your sweetheart, you’ll find that there is an alphabet soup of labs claiming to provide reputable diamond grading reports. But I would only put my money on…

The Premier Diamond Grading Lab ReportsYes, all diamond quality reports are not created equal. Within the industry, it is a consensus that the two premier labs are GIA-GTL (Gemological Institute of America’s Gem Trade Lab) and the AGS (American Gem Society Laboratories).The GCAL (Gem Certification and Assurance Lab) also offers highly regarded reports or “diamond certificates” as they are referred to by GCAL.

The GIA has the strongest global reputation for independence and consistency. Due to their constant color and clarity strictness guidelines, the globe’s largest and most expensive diamonds have been sent there for grading decades. In 2006, GIA-GTL added a two-dimensional cut grading system for round brilliant diamonds.AGS uses the strictest cut standards in the industry. It uses a three-dimensional light performance metric that can grade several diamond shapes. In fact, it is the only cut grading system that is recognized by the scientific community.